Friday 14 February 2014

Dear Kim... 

A Happy Valentines Day to you!

A big Cupid's arrow (and that is not a euphemism) goes out to every type of love today: love of friends; love of family; filial love; reverent love; unrequited love (that goes out to you, Gosling); messy/sticky romantic love; platonic love; love of beer; and love of crisps... 

Here's a song for you - a serenade by Antony, that sums up all the varieties of love above. The footage was shot by our Antony when he first arrived in New York as a teenager in the 90's.  In the last minute & a half, he's definitely channeling Fish & Kim; Slimelights, Circa 2002... The resemblance is uncanny... Heheh. Love you & miss you! x x 


Thursday 6 February 2014

Party Like it's your Birthday!

                              Hey Shorty; it's y' birthday,
                              We're gonna party like it's y' birthday,
                              Sip Bacardi cava like it's y' birthday...

Dear Kim...

Last Friday, I went to my favourite venue in the whole world - yep - you know it; to Bethnal Greens Working Men's Club, to celebrate my recent birthday...

Here it is in all it's splendour - how glamorous is this building! And are you missing it?
China Whites it aint, but Banksy has given it his brush-stroke of approval...

The night on offer was aptly named 'Party Like it's your Birthday'! 

Although the most important word in the title is 'Like' because it was actually my birthday the previous week. But I decided to hold out on the birthday boogie front - because the promise of a night of endless 90's tunes was deemed very much worth the wait... 
I did make the mistake of thinking the above night was on the Saturday - which I'd cordially asked all chums to save in their diaries.  Now, if we had turned up on the Saturday - bedecked in 90's hair scrunchies, Kicker boots and Swatch watches, we'd have found ourselves in the thick of Sink the Pink 's 'Celebrity' night...

     'Have a Britney meltadown, shag Harry Styles, release your inner Kardashian...' 

Hmmm... Now I truly love those Pinkers; having thoroughly enjoyed their offerings last summer at their annual 'Tranny Miss World' (The gorgeous Leona Lewisham strutted off with the title that year - most deservedly...)

In-fact, I've often thought it would be fabulous to be all Madonna-esque; to be surrounded by a troupe of drag queens/gay backing dancers. Who gave me endless manicures, and told me what a hot & fabulous specimen of a woman I jolly well am...

Oooh-err, are you impressed by my 19th century style superimposition?  It's rather akin to those Victorian fairy hoax photographs...

'Yes, M'lord; it truly is me, M'lord; surrounded by a troupe of fab-u-lous fairies. Their names are Luis, Oliver, Salim, Jose, Kevin, Gabriel and Carlton...

But the sad reality is, unless you look like Madonna, Cher, Beyonce or Lady GaGa; drag queens will not give you the time of day. And if I had've found myself amongst them that particular night - the feeling would've been mutual - I would've been in a right strop. As I was all set to Boom-Boom, Shake-Shake the Room, 90's style...

But anyway, back to last Friday.  Because I made a boo-boo with the date, some chums could no longer make it.  So just cousin Vicki, Joanna, Dani and myself bravely made our way to meet our 90's selves of old; our teenage doppelgangers... 

Now I failed miserably - as per usual - to take any photos. Sorry! Although wasn't it your lovely self who once said to me that if you've failed to take photos, it's because you're too busy having a marvelous time..? Which is similar to what the character, Sean O'Connell says to Walter in the film, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty... 

"Sometimes I don't. (take the photo) If I like a moment... I don't like to have the distraction of the camera. I just want to stay in it."

(Walter) "Stay in it?"

(Sean) "Yeah. Right here. Right here"

So I shall relay the night to you in words...
To start with, there was a free party buffet - everything to be expected from a 90's inspired spread: pineapple & cheese on sticks, cheap sausage rolls, and cheesy wotsits!  There were party games to be played. Vicki & I participated in the space-hopper race... Which we lost I'm afraid.  Although Vicki then went on to win the hula-hoop contest - not from her efforts at the waist, but from the wrist; her wrist twirling was most impressive - done with such panache!  She was the proud winner of an inflatable microphone, which we eagerly passed round amongst ourselves - miming along with gusto to All Saints and Backstreet Boys ditties. Until a silly lad spoilt our fun by busting our prop with his teeth - he thought Vicki would deem his microphone biting rather sexy. Which she didn't. And I was duly irked, as I was looking forward to taking it home for future impromptu Beyonce sing-and-dance-alongs.  I mean, that scene when Miranda is caught by all other cast members singing along to the Spice Girls - I really don't understand what all the fuss was about. Why is that considered weird? That really isn't weird... It's not weird...

 Then there was the music... 90's bliss!  We 'Jumped around'... 'We jumped up - jumped up & got fell down'. We 'boom-boom shake-shake(d) the room'. And we most definitely 'got (had) that vibe':
                       Joanna's got it, (Mild disdain for the woman who is now wildly swinging the
                                                     space hopper around her head - an inch from Joanna's face)                         Lynsey's got it, (Bad dance moves & mild anxiety that should the space
                                                   hopper-swinging lady bash Jo in the face, she might have to
                                                  step in and break up the fight)
                     Dani's got it, (Dani's definitely got it, but is she getting it?? Can anyone 
                                              get BGWMs Club when absolutely sober...?)
                    Vicki's got it, (Ummm, Vicki's got the allure)

 The one low point of the night was my interpretation of Vanilla Ice's 'Ice-Ice-Baby' dance routine... oooch, probably not the prettiest sight...  But all-in-all, our wee group was wild with nostalgia.  And the lovely Sylvie was there, trying out his  her usual kung-fu moves on us all.  I'm convinced that he's she's teaching us ladies the art of female self-defence.  As she/he knows that outside the cosy cocoon of  BGWM's Club and the warmth of it's light-bulb trimmed, velveteen heart, it's a mad & dangerous world out there...
  The anthem of the night was without doubt, Rage Against the Machine's 'Killing in the Name'

Just picture us thirty-something old ladies head-banging and air guitar-ing along to this track - with plenty of sign-of-the-horn hand gestures and effing & blinding thrown in for good measure. We refrained from any attempts at stage-diving though...
And then we were brought back down to earth by 'Barbie Girl'  - the next song to be played, so it was anti-climax time - thus - time to leave.  Although only half an hour before closing time - which was unexpected - seeing as Dani was off the booze; having a detox. And Joanna was working a 7 day week, and had already pre-warned me that she would only be staying a couple of hours... Heheheh. I think it's safe to say, that Joanna is BGWM's Club newest enthusiast...
Joanna then piggy-backed Vicki to the car, as she couldn't fit her 6 inch stilettos back on her danced-off feet. And with Vicki squealing all the way to the car - and the security guard reprimanding her for the noise - with myself reassuring him that she was "so gonna get it" from me (demonstrating by hitting my left palm with my right fist). Joanna then kindly drove us back to mine... round the corner... Heheh.

And so that is the tale of my 37th birthday boogie.   The End. x x x 

Thursday 21 November 2013

Day at the Museum

Dear Kim...

On the last day of Valdo's recent visit, we went to the Natural History Museum for my annual trip to The Wildlife Photographer of the Year Exhibition...

 This was the overall winning image this year: Essence of Elephants

The photographer wanted to 'create an image that captures (elephants) special energy and the state of consciousness that I sense when I'm with them... to depict these gentle giants in an almost ghostly way'.  Which I think he has absolutely achieved. But however striking an image it is, it's a little too stylized for my taste. Below are a selection of mine and Valdo's favourite photos...

The winner of the Animals in their Environment category: The Water Bear. 

When I first stood before this photo, it took me a little while to notice the bear - almost made me jump when it finally materialised out of the depths; rather ghost-like and other-worldly...

 And from the same category, the comical: Sharing a Shower.

The lions look totally peeved - you could add speech bubbles to this one, dotted with the odd four letter word. Gazing at it gave me those feelings that would overcome me when we'd watch Frozen Planet together - when I'd fantasise about meddling with all that animal behaviour - popping hats & scarfs on the suffering nesting penguins, or letting them take shelter in my expedition tent, or being lowered on a rope from a helicopter and winching up the seal-pup from the clutches of those brutes; the killer whale posse. In the photo above I'm itching to pop a sou'wester on each of their heads, or one of those umbrellas hats...

One of Valdo's favourites: Sockeye Catch.

A brown bear pouncing on a female salmon 'swollen with roe, the force sending a string of crimson eggs spinning out of her body'.  Salmon sashimi and cavier - what a feast!  The movement captured in this photo is incredible; the ferocious shaking of the bears head, the death throes and thrashing tail of the salmon, the swoosh of water and the ejaculation of salmon eggs - incredible!  And although the salmon's life is almost at an end, there is hope in that jet of eggs...

On a similar note, I loved the following: Pearls of Spring

The threaded black pearls of the toad spawn looks almost decadent; an underwater amphibian burlesque act. The photographer wrote that whilst photographing the pond boiling with mating toads, he 'rejoiced in the spring sunlight and the sounds of frogs, toads and running water - all somehow reassuring after the long winter'.

The ethereal loveliness of Simplicity was my favourite in the Botanical Realms Category...

  The photographer wished to create 'bokeh' - a Japanese word for the aesthetic quality of the out-of-focus points of light. And I reckon Gabriel unwittingly created bokeh when photographing his dad on our recent trip to Tower Hamlets Cemetery!

A joint favourite of ours: Twin Hope

They are only the fifth set of twins ever to be reported in Rwanda's Volcanoes National Park. The 6 month old twins wrapped in their mother's strong protective embrace made me feel all gooey inside.

And my personal overall favourite: True Love

Northern gannets show impressive devotion to each other, pairing for life and returning to the same nest site each year to breed.  The photographer wrote, 'Many times I have seen a male offer a female a gift such as a feather or a blade of grass. But on this occasion I was amazed to see the male give his partner a necklace of red campion!'  His aim was to 'create a composition that would reflect the devotion & tenderness between the pair'.  Awwwh, their chests pressed tightly together, the heart-shape created by their bowed heads - and the fact that he's brought her jewelry and flowers all-in-one, (genius!) brought a wee tear to my eye...

And I think your recent photo of those adorable canines in your current home is worthy of inclusion. :) I especially love the upright ear flattened against the chair arm... It's a winner, Kim!

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Mellow Mists & Fruitfulness

Dear Kim...

Autumn has very much arrived here in Blighty.  A couple of Sabbaths back, (Actually, it's now 7 Sabbaths ago - eek! Forgot to publish post - I'm so rubbish!)  Natasha & I - and the kiddie-winkles, went-a-wandering through Osterley Park; close to Heathrow, but far enough along the Piccadilly line to feel you've left the city-proper for a time...

We were blessed weather-wise; a soft & sunny autumnal day - warm enough for the kids to fling off their jackets.  Is Osterley somewhere you've visited on one of your cycling-trips?  It's one of few remaining working country estates in London; vast stretches of open space, lakes and fields, where cattle and horses chew the cud.  But even with all this to explore for free, I'm also always happy to pay the entry fee to Osterley House Garden - managed by the National Trust - 't'is blooming lovely in there... 
During our autumn meander through the garden, along the Woodland Walk, we spotted this fabulous specimen...

That quintessential toadstool, Amanita Muscaria; the fairy seat of choice, home to Smurfs, or as Gabs pointed out, bonus points in Super Mario Bros...

It should be spottier, but apparently the spots/spores can wash away after a heavy downpour.
  I also really love the growths attached to this papery autumnal leaf; very pretty...

The pumpkins growing in the vegetable garden were straight out of Cinderella...

                    "Oh, I've only got 10 hours 'til I turn back into a pumpkin..." muses Gabs.

I didn't know there was such a thing as an autumnal crocus - always deemed crocuses a spring bloom.  But the autumn variety were out in force throughout the garden...

                                                                        Two Flowers...

The kids then decided to create their own modelling agency, called Modest Models. (Is there such a thing?)  They commenced to strike a pose amongst the flower-beds - Gabs doing his best Derek Zoolander gaze...

                                                                           "Work it..."

                                                                             "Own it..."

                                                           "Give me Versace Ninjas..."

                                                                 "Yeah, baby, yeah!"

The garden was as lovely in early autumn as it was when Valdo, Gabs & I paid a visit in the summer...

"Are u listening carefully", said the Sunflower to his audience of little flowers, "For I am going to tell you a story..."

I couldn't get enough of all the buzzy bees back in August.  I was surprised that my phone could take such clear images!
Iola below, smelling what was left of the summer blooms...

Inspired by our day out, I later taught Gabs one of my childhood favourite songs - one that we'd sing on the bus back from school...

            What do you do if you really need a poo, in an English country ga-ar-den.
            Pull down your pants and suffocate the ants, in an English country ga-ar-den.
            Push out a log and blame it on the dog, in an English country ga-ar-den.
            Pick up a leaf and wipe your underneath, in an English country ga-ar-den.
            Pick up a spade and bury what you made, in an English country ga-ar-den.

Heheh. Was this song part of your own youthful repertoire, Kim...?

Lovely-lovely Autumn; 'Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun' 'Last oozing hours by hours... (The) soft dying day'...
It now gets dark at about 4.30pm - the day dies early... :(

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Arty - Farty

Dear Kim...

Just a quick postie!
Gabs & I went to Iola's (the wee lass who came with us to Whitstable) birthday outing two Sundays ago... 
The day kicked off at Ripley's Believe It or Not! museum in Piccadilly Circus. Amongst all the oddities & the grotesqueness'es on display: the two-headed cow, the shrunken 'eads; Wolf Girl, and The Unicorn Man of China - there was plenty that made me think of you & that you might appreciate as an artist - especially as an artist that's passionate about using discarded materials & objects and reworking them as art...

                                      President Kennedy made from the wings of flutterbys

                                 President Obama emerging through his inauguration speech...

                                  And his lovely wife, Michelle, all shiny in bottle-tops.

                                             The Beatles sculpted out of chewing gum!

The King of Candy Pop made out of sweeties - that liquorice hair looks soooo glossy!

Whitney Houston immortalised from the innards of cassette tapes - now I jolly well hope those cassettes are The Bodyguard - The Soundtrack and Whitney - The Greatest Hits...
 I think you should do a self-portrait with cassette innards, Kim - your hair's almost as curly as Whitney's.

                 Or how about a bouffant fashioned out of discarded car number plates... 

                            I've named this one The Patron Saint of Postage Stamps...

                                                                       1st Class!

                                                A duck born from salvaged beach finds.

                        And my personal favourite... A masterpiece scraped out of toast!
                                        (Just needs a top-coat of Tiptree marmalade)

                                                   Oh, and here's a painting pony...

                                Pony painted this  - it's a jockey. It's called The Finish Line...
                              Do we 'Believe It or Not!'? N-e-i-g-h!! We do not believe it!

Once we'd undertaken all five floors of 'Believe It or Not', we headed to Planet Hollywood for birthday burgers. I giggled at the video below - shown on huge screens throughout the eatery - and again thought of you, as it reminded me of our conversation about western societies obsession with hair removal, and the time & expenditure wasted in the removal of it.  I interpreted the video as a celebration of fuzz, and it fitted in well with the weird & wonderful sights we'd seen at the museum! Heheh. x x